od 200 000 Kč hrubého / za měsíc | |
, Praha - , Praha, Praha kraj |
Pure Storage Czech Republic s.r.o. |
Odpovězte dnes, budete mezi prvními!
kontakt e-mail: laura.goessel@ibs-sro.com POžadavky na pozici Member of Technical Staff (AS), vítáno, výhodou: o o Design, operate, maintain, and troubleshoot enterprise systems such as databases, message queues, APIs, and distributed applications through the use of data and metrics such as SLOs and error budgets. o Establish and practice sustainable incident response and blameless postmortems to prevent problem recurrence. o Support services before they go live through activities such as system design, developing software platforms and frameworks, capacity planning, and launch reviews. o Scale systems sustainably through mechanisms like scripting and automation; evolve systems by pushing changes that improve their operational management reliability and velocity. o Collaborate with team members, across business units, and across multiple time zones to create high quality customer outcomes.
Vývojáři softwaru
, Praha - , Praha, Praha kraj | |
od 200 000 Kč hrubého / za měsíc | |
1 |
Pure Storage Czech Republic s.r.o. | |
, Praha - , Praha, Praha kraj |
Nabízená pozice je zařazena v sekci:
20 800 - 29 520 Kč / za měsíc
25 376 - 25 500 Kč / za měsíc
od 10 400 Kč / za měsíc